I write about Go, CompSci, Python and JavaScript. Usually in that order.
One of the marks of a good senior developer is that they have lots of interesting opinions. After years of working on different software projects,...
There is only one question that ignites my inner rage more than "How do I get a developer job in 3 months?"? That question is: What web framework...
A stack is an abstract data type that serves as a collection of elements. The name "stack" originates from the analogy of items physically stacked on...
I swear it's faster · Ever since starting Boot.dev, I've been flooded with what I call "quicksand questions". On the surface, a quicksand question seems...
My sites look like ass · As a kid, I always wanted to be good at drawing. I practiced drawing my favorite anime characters, but frankly, my mom was the...
Hell may or may not exist · While "real" hell may or may not exist (no need to get into religious beliefs here), tutorial hell is very real. My...